
The exhibition dedicated to recycled plastic

Artist* da tutta Europa si sono incontrati con artigian* del territorio per creare opere d'arte dai rifiuti plastici. Sei mesi di lavoro, a distanza per via della pandemia, hanno portato ad allestire la mostra di Plasticart.


The works of the exhibition



Cristina Regazzo | SezioneErre

I was born in Friuli in 1990, a land that with its traditions and inspiration has raised me and made me evolve. After the qualification as a Mosaic Master at the Mosaic School of Friuli, the desire to expand my knowledge in the artistic field increased, thus taking me to Florence to follow courses in goldsmithing and wax modeling. Later, in 2019, Section R was officially born, a small laboratory where mosaics and goldsmiths meet, where the jewel is born from textile techniques, where the contemporary jewel travels together with the classic, where research and experimentation is in continuous evolution.

Marco Bressan | OzLab

The vocation of "park creator" was born with him: ever since he was a child he dreamed of undertaking this magical profession. After the artistic high school he graduated in Scenography at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera, Milan, with a design and innovative thesis on Theme Parks.   Numerous collaborations, in particular as a designer and sculptor with well-known Italian and foreign amusement parks and an experience as a painter for Walt Disney Attractions in Florida, which selects him from over 400 candidates. In 1999 he founded the Ozlab Funfactory, and since then he has dedicated himself to the design and construction of attractions and scenographies for the amusement and theme parks sector, bringing into play different skills ranging from ideation to drawing, from comics to realistic illustration. , to architectural drawing; from scale modeling to large sculptures up to the direction and execution of the works on site.

Simona Martino | ScartaCollective

Following decades of experience as an architect in international architecture and design studios, in 2013 she started a collaboration with the Montessori Italy Foundation as a trainer on the issues of the Montessori environment and the relationship between architecture and pedagogy in learning spaces. In 2015 he founded Craftabile Srl, an artisan company that produces Montessori Craft branded educational materials and design objects with digital manufacturing technologies. Together with other partners he founded Lino's & Co. Bottega di Udine in 2016.



Arcangelo Costanzo

My artistic research is configured through an eclectic and multifaceted set of materials, mediums and thoughts. These branch out into a plurality of practices and experiences, many of which are alter ego based, where my being and doing more personal enter into friction, deviance and resonance through collaborations, contaminations and sometimes even self-cancellations.

This configuration was formed along the way and is becoming more and more systematic. It meets the existential and social needs of an era characterized by intersubjective collaborative work and is at the same time constituted as a need to intensify discourses and personal relationships, in a life-work time with boundaries (especially in artistic research) and in continuous breakthrough.

Mohamed Chabarik

I was born in Aleppo, Syria, in 1978. I have always expressed myself by drawing, I like to work with my hands, looking for technical and material solutions. The encounter with the mosaic marked a privileged groove in which to bring all this together, and it has become a way of telling.

Laura Charraro

I was born near Venice in 1984. After graduating in Literature at Ca 'Foscari, with a thesis in Contemporary Art Criticism, I discovered the mosaic, congenial to my way of being. I think that the concept of mosaic can be used in experimental contexts, both artistic and cultural.

Eleni Aidonidou

Ho 22 anni,

Attualmente sto studiando Belle Arti alla scuola di Atene, Grecia.

I miei interessi nell’arte si focalizzano sui problemi sociali e sulle esperienze personali.

Prendo anche ispirazione dalle cose comuni e dagli oggetti, durante la mia quarantena nel mio appartamento di 7 metri quadri.

Federico Comuzzo

Interested in the design and furnishing of small architectures, in temporary installations for special events.

My way of working is linked to an alternative approach to problems. Problems are possibilities, by varying the point of view you can arrive at unique solutions that answer the questions posed.

Quality and not quantity. I believe in ideas. Dynamic, fast, slow, material, intangible ideas. If you can imagine it, it can be realized. 

Giovanna Bressan

I'm Giovanna, I like the shapes that female bodies take and for many years I have made them emerge from the paper or materials with which I like to relate; without realizing it, my practice has become a collection of bodies that, in a morbid way, continue to generate themselves.

Jana Horalkova

Mi chiamo Jana Horalkova. Sono nata e vivo in Repubblica Ceca. Il mio settore artistico è quello della scultura. Sono attratta dalle forme biomorfiche, imparo dall’architettura della natura, le sue strutture che non possiamo osservare ad occhio nudo. Sono interessata a come queste strutture si sviluppino, sia negli oggetti viventi che in quelli inanimati. Questo ispira fortemente la mia arte. Negli ultimi due anni mi sono focalizzata maggiormente su sculture “regolari”, con il progetto di migliorare in alcune tecniche e s oprire come lavorare con certi specifici materiali.

Julian Janko

Sono nato nel 1992 a Vienna. Ho studiato tecnologia della plastica nel 2011 al TGM (Technisches Gewerbe Museum), una scuola tecnica di Vienna.

Da quando ho ricordo esprimo i miei sentimenti attraverso diversi materiali. Sia all’asilo, tramite i Lego, sia a casa con una penna e foglio di carta. Sono sempre stato entusiasta di creare.

Negli ultimi anni, prima del COVID, ho viaggiato in tanti luoghi bellissimi in giro per il globo. Durante questi viaggi ho visto di persona l’inquinamento causato dalla plastica. Cosi ho cominciato il mio progetto di raccolta della plastica, decidendo di lavorare con essa.

Tommaso Sandri

Tommaso Sandri (1992) was born and raised in Lignano Sabbiadoro (UD) and from an early age he expressed a certain attitude towards art and travel. As soon as he graduates, he chooses to undertake an exploratory experience in Brazil, introspective or otherwise, in which, between voluntary work and slow wandering between rural and indigenous communities, he discovers the social function that art can have. Back in Italy, in 2012 he founded the collective Menti Libere, which aims to use art as a means of aggregation and social action. 

In the following years he carried out participatory urban art projects using various languages ​​and involving sections of the population usually marginalized both in Italy and abroad. In the same period he begins with the Ass. Free minds to carry out participatory urban redevelopment projects in the Friulian territory involving students and young people in difficulty. In 2015 he created the project MigrArtewith two friends, a three-month journey back on the Balkan route, from Friuli to the Turkish-Syrian border, where up close, each of its hotspots.

Quali sono i partner di progetto?


Menti Libere

Associazione Fablab Udine

Società Cooperativa Puntozero


